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CEAP Classification of Chronic Venous Disorders: Let’s all speak the same language.

The CEAP classification (Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathophysiological) was created in 1994 to standardize the diverse manifestations of chronic venous disease. It was...

Distraction as analgesic strategy during dressing changes

Professionals  involved in wound management know that dressing changes represent an enormously stressful factor for patients, mainly because of...

Ulcerated necrobiosis lipoidica: what is it and how should it be managed?

Necrobiosis lipoidica is a condition that we will always have to include if we list the causes of "atypical"...

How long can I space out dressing changes of a leg ulcer?

First the pandemic and now the big snowfall... This year we have accumulated impediments to maintain the healing guidelines...

Why do calcifications occur in chronic skin ulcers?

Since this is not an unusual finding, but there is little scientific literature on it, I will dedicate today's...

Zinc oxide and alginate: a perfect combinatio

I have just returned from the joint EWMA& Journées Cicatrisations 2022 congress held in Paris. I thought I would...

Little is said about arteriolosclerotic ulcers

I think the title I have chosen sums up perfectly the situation of this type of wound: it is...

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