Platelet Rich Plasma in wound healing


Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a widespread technique throughout diverse fields of Medicine for improving tissue regeneration. In dermatology, the main applications during the last years have mainly been anti-aging treatments and wound healing.

PRP contains platelets in higher concentration than whole blood and, consequently, represents a growth factor pool. Chronic wounds are characterized by a prolonged inflammatory phase, involving a continuous destruction of matrix proteins and growth factors.

Growth factors promote cell migration, proliferation and differentiation, which are essential for wound healing.

In this post, I provide you a review I have recently published including principles of PRP in wound healing and an updated critical assessment of the available clinical evidence

The following questions are raised in the review article:

  • Role of growth factors in wound healing
  • PRP and its clinical application in wound healing
  • Safety of PRP application in wounds
  • Clinical evidence of PRP as adjunctive treatment for chronic wounds

Moreover, I suggest you a treatment algorithm that may be useful in your clinical practice. (Conde Montero E (2016) PRP in Wound Healing, In Clinical indications and treatment protocols with Platelet-rich plasma in Dermatology. Barcelona, España. Ediciones Mayo)

What is your experience with PRP in wound healing?



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